Load OnTime dataset into Databend and do some queries.
1. Download OnTime raw data
Download raw data to /tmp/dataset
wget -P /tmp/ https://repo.databend.rs/dataset/stateful/ontime.csv
2. Install bendctl
curl -fsS https://repo.databend.rs/databend/install-bendctl.sh | bash
export PATH="${HOME}/.databend/bin:${PATH}"
3. Setting up Databend server
[local] [sql]> \admin
Mode switched to admin mode
[local] [admin]> cluster create
[ok] โ
Databend cluster pre-check passed!
[ok] โ
Successfully started meta service with rpc endpoint
[ok] โ
Local data would be stored in /home/bohu/.databend/local/data
[ok] โ
Successfully started query service.
[ok] โ
To run queries through bendctl, run: bendctl query 'your SQL'
[ok] โ
For example: bendctl query 'SELECT sum(number), avg(number) FROM numbers(100)'
[ok] โ
To process mysql queries, run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot
[ok] โ
To process clickhouse queries, run: clickhouse client --host --port 9000 --user root
[ok] โ
To process HTTP REST queries, run: curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-raw 'your SQL'
[local] [admin]>
4. Create the ontime table
bendctl --databend_dir ~/.databend --group local query ./tests/suites/0_stateful/ddl/create_table.sql
5. Load raw data into ontime table
bendctl --databend_dir ~/.databend --group local load /tmp/ontime.csv --table ontime
6. Queries
bendctl --databend_dir ~/.databend --group local query "SELECT avg(c1)
> (
> SELECT Year, Month, count(*) AS c1
> FROM ontime
> GROUP BY Year, Month
> )"
[ok] โ
Query precheck passed!
| avg(c1) |
| 371357.0 |
[ok] โ
read rows: 371,357, read bytes: 1.11 MB, rows/sec: 4,951,426 (rows/sec), bytes/sec: 14.85428 (MB/sec), time: 0.075 sec